Julia Rebecca Miron is

The Messy Meditator

You’re not doing it wrong. You’re just human.

Being human can be messy. It’s ok if your meditation is too.

It’s easy to get caught up in thinking that meditation and mindfulness should look or feel a certain way, but the only thing that matters is: are you paying attention?

Mindfulness doesn’t have to be this mysterious, intimidating thing. And it’s not a bunch of woo-woo bullshit (although sometimes I love me some woo-woo bullshit). It’s about getting to know and accept the very real human experiences that we all have, in and out of meditation.

If you’re curious about mindfulness and don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place. If you’re a seasoned meditator, looking for an inclusive environment to deepen your practice, you’ve come to the right place too!

And if you’re a messy meditator, welcome to the club.